here we go

Excuse my several week hiatus...weeks filled with happiness and holidays have taken me away from my computer. Let me be the first (or seven hundredth, hopefully) to tell you how grateful I am for YOU and wish you happy holidays. Thanks to all who have read, supported me and made your love so amazingly clear. I love you for this always, but especially in this year of years that has so thoroughly chewed so many of us up and spit us out. Right now I feel stronger and completely surrounded by all of the faces that I could ever need.

I thought about sending out a Christmas card but figured that most of the people who I would send it to would read this. So here it is: portraits of the people who are nearest thanks to my new baby, Nikon D3000.

lucy girl on the porch

prime rib and red dog beggars


family and my new brother in-law (named Macbook Pro of course)

my own little home sweet home in the city